Together We Succeed, Southwest Washington SHRM Conference
Sign up today and join our 400 member strong Southwest Washington SHRM in attending, Together We Succeed, HR Annual Conference. Kicking us off is Moe Carrick, Making Work Good: CRITICAL HR CROSSROADS FOR THE FUTURE. The day will be filled with the latest in Legal, Cultural, Benefits and Talent Acquisition needs to ensure you have the latest in all your HR needs. It’s a great time to learn new regulations, grow your network and take back real tactics to implement in your company to see results. Then we end the day with Happy Hour with free Appetizers and Drinks and receive raffles from our great sponsors! Want to Sponsor? We hope you sign up soon at
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 3, 2023
Tuesday Oct. 3rd 2023 7 AM - 5.30 PM
Vancouver Hilton Convention Center 301 W. 6th Street Vancouver, WA 98660